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Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is the MeltedPOT? It's not the Matrix...or is it?

To know what the POTty Mouth is all about one needs to know what is the MeltedPOT. The MeltedPOT is a satirical comic strip started by myself (A.M.Frasier) Emmanuel Rumph and Ted E. Bear. Everything we use in the MeltedPOT is inspired by the melting pot. What is a melting pot? It's a metaphor for the conglomeration of cultures and people living together as one in vanglorious harmony. Living in harmony are the key words in that phrase. Our beautiful nation the United States of America has often been referred to as a "melting pot". Now...we here at the POT are far from pessimist, in fact we are the complete opposite, but we do however understand the fact that many of these people and cultures tend to bump heads a bit. Everyone has their own ideas and opinions as to what should be happening in this place called the U.S.A.  Everything that happens in the MeltedPOT has been gathered from the headlines and directly from the people that are a part of the melting pot (USA). We have transplanted these topics into the characters of the strip. Thus the  "MeltedPOT" is a metaphor for the dysfunction, disconnect, and bumping of heads that often occur here in these 50 states.

The MeltedPOT is 1-part comic strip 1-part comic book. That simply means that some of the strips are self contained jokes that's don't go past that one day. Some days the strip may not contain the main characters but just one panel (i.e. like Far Side).  The strip does have an underlining linear story. Some story arcs will be longer or shorter than others.
Primarily the posts here will be an explanation of what inspired different strips. We will also post articles that will inspire future stripes and story lines. POTty Mouth is also a place for comments on topics you as readers may want to vent about.

and remember
Whether you like it or not your in the POT

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